
MIASA Working Papers

The MIASA Working Papers series serves to disseminate the research results of work in progress prior to publication in order to encourage the exchange of ideas and academic debate. The objective of the series is to publish research findings from the work of the MIASA Interdisciplinary Fellow Groups (IFGs) as well as from MIASA Tandem and Individual fellows immediately in an open-access manner. Inclusion of a paper in the MIASA Working Paper Series does not constitute publication and should not limit publication in any other venue. Copyright remains with the authors.

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Other Publications

Sackeyfio, Naaborle. 2024. Ghana’s electricity crisis is holding the country back – how it got here.

The Conversation (accessed 25 January, 2024).

Onwuzuruigbo, Ifeanyi. 2023. Citizenship, Indigeneity and the Management of Herders and Farmers Conflicts in Ghana and Nigeria.

Nationalism and Ethnic Politics 2023.

Pedersen, Rasmus Hundsbæk & Ole Winckler Andersen. 2023. A contested agenda: Energy transitions in lower-income African countries.

Energy Policy 175: 113496.

Edomah, Norbert. 2023. Who triggers change? Social network mapping, stakeholder analysis and energy systems interventions in Nigeria’s electricity sector.

International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management, 37, 5–20.

Berté, Salimata & Djané Dit Fatogoma Adou. 2023. Challenges connected with the energy choice and transition in bakeries of Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire.

Energy, Sustainability and Society 2023 13:7

Munro, Paul G. & Shanil Samarakoon. 2023. Off-Grid Electrical Urbanism: emerging solar energy geographies in ordinary cities.

Journal of Urban Technology 30(2), 127-149.

Munro, Paul G., Shanil Samarakoon, Ulrich E. Hansen, Anna Bruce, Jamie Cross, Matthew Kearnes, Sarah Walker & Collen Zalengera. 2023. Towards a repair research agenda for off-grid solar e-waste in the Global South.

Nature Energy 8(123-218).

Edafe, Oluwatosin D., Evans Osabuohien, Oluwatoyin Matthew, Romanus Osabohien & Rehmat Khatoon. 2023. Large-scale Agricultural Investment and Female Employment in African Communities: Quantitative and Qualitative Insights from Nigeria.

Land Use Policy 127.

Kalfelis, Melina. 2023. Le « partenariat » – un euphémisme : Sur les Cultures de la Coopération Transnationale en Afrique de l’Ouest”, in Hahn, Hans P., Amado Kabore, Kathrin Knodel & Alain Sissao (eds.): L’Avenir des ONG en Afrique de l’Ouest. Critiques, Initiatives et Innovations.

L’Harmattan, 221-239.

Kalfelis, Melina. 2023. Gewalt – ein Politikum. Das Beispiel Burkina Faso.

Afrika-Bulletin 190, 4-5.

Schürmann, Felix. 2023. Die Verwilderung einer Insel in Zeiten des Aussterbens: Eine mehr als menschliche Geschichte von Rubondo Island (Tansania), 1880–1980.

Habilitation thesis, University of Erfurt.

Osei-Tutu, Paul, Samuel Boadi & Vincent Kusi-Kyei. 2023. Electrical energy transition in the context of Ghana.

Energy, Sustainability and Society 11(47).

Späth, Philipp, Vanesa Castán Broto, Simon Bawakyillenuo & Michael Pregernig. 2022. Special Issue: The governance of energy transitions in Africa: a sketch of plural perspectives.

Energy, Sustainability and Society 2022 12:51.

Osabohien, Romanus, Junaid Ashraf, Tyrone De Alwis, Daniel E. Ufua, Evans Osabuohien, Gbadebo Odularu, Ambreen Noman & Darline Augustine. 2022. Social Protection and Food Security Nexus in the Global South: Empirical Evidence from West Africa.

Contemporary Social Science 17(2), 129-142.

Osabohien, Romanus, Badar Alam Iqbal, Evans Osabuohien, Muhammad Kaleem Khan, Dong Phong Nguyen. 2022. Agricultural Trade, Foreign Direct Investment and Inclusive Growth in Developing Countries: Evidence from West Africa.

Transnational Corporations Review 14(3), 244-255.

Kalfelis, Melina. 2022. Beyond Donor Memory. On Time and Power behind the Curtain of Transnational Development in Burkina Faso.

Anthropologie & Développement 53, 137-153.

Ayeh, Diana. 2022. What Local Gold Extraction Tells Us about a Globalized Mining Economy.

TRAFO – Blog for Transregional Research, Published online 07 April 2022.

Ayeh, Diana. 2022. Le droit minier face à l’éthique de l’or: Contestations autour d’une concession minière au Burkina Faso.

Revue internationale des études du développement 249, 35-62.

Ayeh, Diana, Tongnoma Zongo & Jacqueline Sow. 2022. L’extraction minière dans un contexte d'(in)sécurité en Afrique de l’Ouest — boom ou bust?

Mande Studies 24, 73-95.

Soumonni, Ogundiran & Kalu Ojah. 2022. Innovative and mission-oriented financing of renewable energy in Sub-Saharan Africa: A review and conceptual framework.

WIREs Energy and Environment 11(1), e416.

Munro, Paul G., Collen Zalengera & Matthew Kearnes. 2022. Socio-technical afterlives of off-grid solar: the spatial and ethical dimensions of repair and e-waste in Malawi.

Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 42, 317-330.

Munro, Paul G., Veronica Jacome & Shanil Samarakoon. 2022. Off-grid Enterprise: a critical history of small-scale off-grid solar in Sub-Saharan Africa. In Nathanael Ojong (eds.), Off-Grid Solar Electrification in Africa: A Critical Perspective.

Cham: Palgrave MacMillan, 25–64.

Baker, Lucy. 2022. New frontiers of electricity capital: energy access in sub-Saharan Africa.

New Political Economy 28(2), 206-222.

Pedersen, Rasmus Hundsbæk & Ole Winckler Andersen. 2021. The political economy of energy transitions in sub-Saharan Africa: Contributions to an analytical framework.

DIIS Working Paper 2021(15).

Karakara, Alhassan, Uchenna Efobi, Ibukun Beecroft, Felicia Olokoyo & Evans Osabuohien. 2021. Youth Employment and Large-scale Agricultural Land Investments in Africa: Mixed Methods Insights from Nigeria.

Africa Development / Afrique et Développement 46(4), 175-199.

Kalfelis, Melina & Kathrin Knodel. 2021. NGOs and Lifeworlds in Africa. Transdisciplinary Perspectives.

New York & Oxford: Berghahn.

Kalfelis, Melina. 2021. With or Without the State. Moral Divergence and the Question of Trust in Security Assemblages in Burkina Faso.

Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding 15 (5), 598-613.

Munro, Paul G. 2021. Somewhat Original: Energy ethics and off-grid solar markets in Malawi.

Environmental Sociology 7(3), 164-175.

Edomah, Nobert. 2021. The governance of energy transition: lessons from the Nigerian electricity sector.

Energy, Sustainability and Society 11(40).

Onwuzuruigbo, Ifeanyi. 2020. Enclaves of Banditry: Ungoverned Forest Spaces and Cattle Rustling in Northern Nigeria.

African Studies Review: 1-24.

Onwuzuruigbo, Ifeanyi. 2020. Enclaves of Banditry: Ungoverned Forest Spaces and Cattle Rustling in Northern Nigeria.

African Studies Review, 1-24.

Osabuohien, Evans, Felicia Olokoyo, Uchenna Efobi, Alhassan Karakara & Ibukun Beecroft. 2020. Large-scale Land Investments and Household Livelihood in Nigeria: Empirical Insights from Quantitative Analysis. In Evans Osabuohien (ed.) The Palgrave Handbook of Agricultural and Rural Development in Africa.

Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 133-152.

Higgs, Eleanor Tiplady (forthcoming in 2024). The Young Women’s Christian Association in Anglophone Africa. In Thomas Spear (ed.), The Oxford Research Encyclopedia of African History.

Oxford University Press.

Dube, Siphiwe. 2023. Christian nationalism in post-apartheid South Africa: from the white broederbond to the transracial Neo/Pentecostals.

International Journal for the Study of the Christian Church.

Nyeck, Sybille Ngo. 2023. Gender, vulnerability theory and public procurement: Perspectives on Global Reform.

Routledge Law & Society series.

Dube, Siphiwe. 2023. Towards a Decolonial Political Theology of Vulnerability.

Exchange 52(4), 253-280.

Alber, Erdmute. 2023. The linking of vital conjunctures: Negotiations over girls’ futures in the Republic of Benin. In Joseph Ehmer & Carola Lentz (eds.). Life Course, Work, and Labour in Global History.

Oldenburg: De Gruyter.

Alber, Erdmute. 2023. Multiple Relations: Towards an Anthropology of Parenting. In Harald Meller, Johannes Krause, Wolfgang Haak & Roberto Risch (eds.). Kinship, Sex, and Biological Relatedness. The contribution of archaeogenetics to understanding of social and biological relations. 15. Mitteldeutscher Archäologentag vom 6. bis 8. Oktober 2022 in Halle (Saale).

Heidelberg: Propylaeum, 2023 (Tagungen des Landesmuseums für Vorgeschichte Halle, Band 26), 35–41.

Alber, Erdmute. 2023. Entangled navigations: Intergenerational care relations in neoliberal eduscapes in Benin.

Critique of Anthropology 43(4), 365-384.

Alber, Erdmute. 2023. Politique de parente: La circulation des enfants au Dahomey/Benin au XXE siècle.

Revue Dezan 11(2), 285-308.

Sabbi, Matthew. 2022. “Staged Dilemma”: Hidden Political Intents in Ghana’s Botched Referendum of 2019.

International Journal of African Renaissance Studies – Multi-, Inter and Transdisciplinarity 17(2), 28-50.

Osei, Anja & Daniel Wigmore-Shepherd. 2022. Personal Power in Africa: Legislative Networks and Executive Appointments in Ghana, Togo and Gabon.

Government and Opposition 59(1), 272-296.

Dodsworth, Susan, Seidu Alidu, Gretchen Bauer & Gbensuglo Alidu Bukari. 2022. Parliamentary primaries after democratic transitions: Explaining reforms to candidate selection and their impact.

African Affairs 121(483), 275–297.

Crawford, Gordon & Abdul-Gafaru Abdulai. 2021. Research Handbook on Democracy and Development.

Cheltenham & Northampton: Edward Elgar Publishing.

Bauer, Gretchen & Akosua K. Darkwah. 2021. “The President’s Prerogative”? The Cabinet Appointment Process in Ghana and the Implications for Gender Parity.

Politics & Gender, 1-28.

Osei, Anja. 2015. Elites and democracy in Ghana: A social network approach.

African Affairs 114(457), 529-554.

Stasik, Michael. 2024. Alonenness and the terms of detachment in West African migration.

Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute (N.S.) oo, 1-18.

Zollmann, Jakob (to appear). New Forms of International Adjudication? The History of the Mixed Arbitral Tribunals, 1919 to 1939. In Haakon A. Ikonomou, Karin van Leeuwen & Morten Rasmussen (eds.), Ordering the International Through Law. The League of Nations and International Law, 1919 to 1939.

Oxford: OUP, 2024. History and Theory of International Law Series.

Kandilige, Leander, Joseph Kofi Teye, Mary Setrana & Delali Margaret Badasu. 2023. ‘They’d beat us with whatever is available to them’: Exploitation and abuse of Ghanaian domestic workers in the Middle East.

International Migration 61(4), 240-256.

Kleist, Nauja & Jesper Bjarnesen. 2023. Mediating Mobility in West Africa: Improvisation, Culture, and Volatility in Migration Infrastructures.

International Migration Review, 1-25.

Turolla, Maya & Lisa Hoffmann. 2023. “The cake is in Accra”: a case study on internal migration in Ghana.

Canadian Journal of African Studies / Revue canadienne des études africaines.

Anamoa-Pokoo, Standhope, Delali Margaret Badasu, Urzha Olga Alexandrovna. 2022. Assessing the Assets and Welfare Conditions of The Left-Behind Migrant Households in the Ekumfi District of Ghana.

Contemporary Problems of Social Work 6(22), 79-87.

Anamoa-Pokoo, Standhope, Olga Alexandrovna Urzha, Solomon Sika-Bright & Delali Margaret Badasu. 2022. “Experiences of African student migrants in Moscow”: Understanding the uses of digital technologies for social services during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Cogent Education 9(1), 2095883.

Allotey, Ada Adoley, & Delali Margaret Badasu. 2022. The desire for a ‘planned binational family’: The experiences of Ghanaian birth tourists to the United States America. In Steve William Tonah (ed.), Marriage and family in contemporary Ghana: New perspectives.

Woeli, 382-406.

Kleist, Nauja. 2022. Follow the computers: Entangled mobilities of people and things in transnational recycling.

Ethnography 23(2), 274-293.

Garba, Faisal. to appear 2021. Capital (in)difference in Africa: the examples of Nigeria and South Africa.

Routledge, 45-64.

Rother, Stefan, Susanne Schultz & Mary B. Setrana. 2021. Transnational Skills Partnerships between Ghana and Germany: A “triple-win” solution?

AMMODI Policy Note

Bjarnesen, Jesper. 2020. Intra-African Migration. Study requested by the DEVE committee.

European Parliament.

Yeboah, Thomas, Leander Kandilige, Amanda Bisong, Faisal Garba & Joseph Kofi Teye. 2020. The ECOWAS Free Movement Protocol and Diversity of Experiences of Different Categories of Migrants: A Qualitative Study.

International Migration 59(3).

Tanko, Azzika Yussif, Delali Margaret Badasu, Samuel N. A. Codjoe, Christina A. Nti & Joseph A. Yaro. 2019. Trichotomous Analysis of Climate Change, Migration and Food Security in the Agro-Ecological Zones of Ghana.

Science and Devlopment 3(1), 84-102.

Michels, Stefanie. 2022. Von einem Tsunami, einer niedergerissenen Mauer und einem Bumerang – Literaturessay.

Soziopolis: Gesellschaft beobachten.

Apoh, Wazi & Andreas Mehler. 2021. Forum: Das Humboldt-Forum und die Restitutionsdebatte.

WeltTrends No 179 (2021).

Ampofo, Akosua Adomako (ed.). 2020. Issues of restitution and repatriation of looted and illegally acquired African objects in European museums.

Journal of African Studies (CJAS): Vol 7 No 1 (2020)

Apoh, Wazi & Andreas Mehler. 2020. Mainstreaming the Discourse on Restitution and Repatriation within African History, Heritage Studies and Political Science.

Contemporary Journal of African Studies (CJAS) 7(1).

Apoh, Wazi et al. 2018. Statement issued by participants of workshop on issues of restitution and repatriation of looted and illegally acquired African objects in European Museums.

Merian Institute for Advanced Studies in Africa (MIASA)

Mensah, Eyo, Offiong Ebong, Queen Ayeni & Felix Eze. 2023. Women in public transportation business: A qualitative study of the perception of female tricycle riders in Nigeria.

Journal of Population and Social Studies 31, 832-848.

Mensah, Eyo, Benjamin Nyong, Eyamba Mensah, & Queen Ayeni. 2023. When tricycles speak: Language practices and ideology in tricycle texts in Nigeria.

Journal of Asian and African Studies 59(1): 1-15.

Binate, Issouf. 2023. Les échanges entre la Turquie et la Côte d’Ivoire à l’ère du numérique : dynamiques, réseaux d’étudiants entrepreneurs et pratiques d’une mondialisation par le bas.

Suds 287, 193-215.

Tischler, Julia. 2023. The Politics of Rural Domesticity in Segregationist South Africa, 1902-1948. In Hartmann, Heinrich & Julia Tischler. 2023. Planting Seeds of Knowledge. Agriculture and Education in Rural Societies in the Twentieth Century.

New York & Oxford: Berghahn.

Tischler, Julia. 2023. Introduction. In Hartmann, Heinrich & Julia Tischler. 2023. Planting Seeds of Knowledge. Agriculture and Education in Rural Societies in the Twentieth Century.

New York & Oxford: Berghahn.

Hartmann, Heinrich & Julia Tischler. 2023. Planting Seeds of Knowledge. Agriculture and Education in Rural Societies in the Twentieth Century.

New York & Oxford: Berghahn.

Mehler, Andreas & Francis B. Nyamnjoh. 2022. Academic Cooperation in the Humanities and Social Sciences: A Post-COVID Future.

African Futures, Leiden: Brill, 367-374.

Crawford, Gordon, Zainab Mai-Bornu & Karl Landström. 2021. Decolonising knowledge production on Africa: Why it’s still necessary and what can be done.

Journal of the British Academy 9(1): 21-46

Thondhlana, Juliet & Evelyn Chiyevo Garwe. 2021. Repositioning of Africa in Knowledge Production: Shaking off Historical Stigmas – Introduction.

Journal of the British Academy 9(1), 1-17.