Thomas Yeboah

Junior Fellow IFG 1

February - May 2019

Dr. Thomas Yeboah is a Research Associate, with the Center for Trust Peace and Social Relations (CTPSR) at Coventry University. He had his BA (2012) in Geography and Rural Development from the KNUST, Ghana and MPhil (2012-2013) and PhD (2014-2018) Development Studies from the University of Cambridge, UK. His main research interest is on migrants, and how their aspirations, identities and lived experiences are shaped by local and global forces and the supportive role of social networks. He is also interested in south-south migration, inequality and development. Prior to Joining CTPSR, he collaborated with (IDS) Sussex on a DFID funded research on how young people engage in the rural economy of Africa as the Ghana Country Researcher. He is among the first cohort of Matasa fellows (2016) at (IDS), Sussex, UK, a Mastercard funded programme that seeks to develop a cohort of young African researchers with the skills and commitment to engage in policy-oriented research around the challenges of young people and employment in Africa.


While migration research, in the past decades, has increasingly highlighted the transnational dimension of migration as a bottom-up process, policy responses have so far mostly been framed as an issue ... Read more
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Coventry University


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