Stefan Rother

Senior Fellow and co-convenor IFG 1

February - May 2019

Dr. Stefan Rother is a researcher with the Arnold-Bergstraesser-Institute and was previously employed as researcher and lecturer at the Department of Political Science, University of Freiburg, Germany. Stefan Rother holds a PhD in Political Science from the University of Freiburg. Before that, he studied political Science and New and Recent History at the University of Sydney and University of Freiburg, where he received his Master’s degree. His research focus is on international migration, global governance, social movements, regional integration and non-/post-Western theories of international relations. He has conducted extensive fieldwork in Southeast Asia as well as participant observation at global governance fora and civil society parallel and counter-events at the UN, ILO, ASEAN and WTO-level as well as European Forum on Migration and World Social Forum on Migration.

Twitter: @srother

While migration research, in the past decades, has increasingly highlighted the transnational dimension of migration as a bottom-up process, policy responses have so far mostly been framed as an issue ... Read more
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Arnold-Bergstraesser-Institute Freiburg


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