Philipp Späth

Co-Convenor and Senior Fellow

October - December 2020

Philipp Späth is senior researcher at the Institute of Environmental Social Sciences and Geography at Freiburg University and heads a research group on Urban Environmental Governance. Trained as a geographer and political scientist, he has obtained a PhD in Science and Technology Studies in 2009. His main research interest lies on multi-level governance of socio-technical change, and how technological futures are shaped and contested. Following a strong interest in energy politics since the late 1990s, he has critically engaged with the emerging scholarship in sustainability transitions since its early days. In recent years, he benefited from research stays in South-Africa and Ghana, and is about to start a new research project with colleagues from India, South-Africa and the Netherlands:….

This IFG aims at developing critical perspectives from the social sciences on the governance of sustainable energy transitions (SETs) in the Global South: What is meant by SET in different ... Read more

University of Freiburg


Interdisciplinary Fellow Group: