Nauja Kleist

Senior Fellow IFG 1

February - April 2019

Dr. Nauja Kleist is a Senior Researcher at the Danish Institute for International Studies. She holds a M.A. in International Development Studies from Roskilde University and a PhD in Sociology from the University of Copenhagen. Nauja Kleist works with international migration, including mobility regimes and practices, migration management, migration trajectories, return migration, everyday life after deportation, family and gender relations, and diaspora engagement in development and humanitarian relief. Theoretical perspectives on (im)mobilities, social fields, infrastructure, gender, belonging, hope, uncertainty and temporality. Long-term research on Ghanaian return migrations and Somali diaspora mobilization.

Twitter: Nauja_Kleist

While migration research, in the past decades, has increasingly highlighted the transnational dimension of migration as a bottom-up process, policy responses have so far mostly been framed as an issue ... Read more
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Danish Institute for International Studies


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