Martin Doll

Senior Fellow

September - December 2021

After studying ›Drama, Theatre, Media‹ in Gießen, Martin Doll earned his Ph.D. in Media Studies in Frankfurt/M. After two years as a postdoctoral fellow at the ICI Berlin, he was an Assistant Professor in the research project ›Aesthetical Figurations of the Political‹ in Luxemburg. Currently, he is Junior Professor for Media and Cultural Studies at the Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf. He has published articles and book chapters on audiovisual historiography, politics and media, architecture as a medium, utopias and media.

MIASA’s fifth Interdisciplinary Fellow Group (IFG 5) addresses matters of restitution of looted cultural objects in an interdisciplinary approach by interrogating the four ‘Rs’ – restitution, return, repatriation and reparation – ... Read more
Personal website

Heinrich-Heine Universität Düsseldorf


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