Laure Carbonnel

Senior Individual Fellow

September 2022 - August 2023

Laure Carbonnel is an anthropologist working on regulation of social conducts, the production of forms of life, categorisation of groups, people and actions. She follows cultural actors, study situated dancing gathering, and focuses particularly on movements (gestures, danced, sounds, mobility), interactions and social organisation. Her research in Mali explores ritual clowning, gender relationship (2018c), shame as moral emotion (2018b, 2019b), moral control of dance venues (in print), ambiance or affective dynamics of events (2018a, 2018d, 2020b), the shaping of cultural cities (2020a, 2021b) and the bureaucratic dimension of culture (2020a 2021a). She also has a reflexive approach, on the art & science collaborations (in print), and on archival practices in anthropology (2017).

MIASA Project: Moving together. From mobility between cities to dancefloors in Accra (Ghana)

Her research in Accra during MIASA fellowship looks at some musical and dancing gathering in pubs, nightclubs or events, as potential places of anchorage for people circulating or aiming at circulating between cities, countries, continents. She follows DJs playing two different styles of music, electronic dance music and francophone music in order to take into consideration the specificities but also the transversal structural dimensions of these gathering where people enjoying music, dance, and space of sociability, may feel home, be integrated in the city, and experience mobility.

Selected publications

2021a  « From Heroes to Places Bureaucratization and the Role of Architecture in the Making of a Cultural Capital in Mali », Francia, 48, p. 481-492.

2020a  « Quand la ville et l’événementiel se façonnent mutuellement. Des mondes de la culture à Ségou au Mali », Journal des anthropologues, 162-163, p. 85-99.

2020b  « Puissances et divertissements bouffons au Mali : l’agressivité comme configuration d’action », Cahiers d’Ethnomusicologie, 33, p. 39-56.

2019b « Avec ou sans honte : la morale à l’épreuve de la bouffonnerie », in M. Heintz et I. Rivoal (dir.), La morale et la cognition à l’épreuve du terrain, Nanterre : Presses universitaires Paris Nanterre, p. 229-250

2018b « Les trois dimensions de la honte suivant les bouffons rituels du Mali », in C. Baroin et B. Cooper (dir.), La honte au Sahel. Pudeur, respect, morale quotidienne, Paris, Sepia, p. 197-229.

2018c   « Déjouer les relations de genre : l’art bouffon de la mixité au Mali », Cahiers de littérature orale, 82 [En ligne].
