Hibist Kassa

Junior IFG Fellow

September - December 2024

Dr Hibist Kassa is Policy Interface Fellow at the Institute for Environmental Futures, University of Leicester. She is an Associate Editor with the Agrarian South Network Research Bulletin, a tricontinental network of researchers in Africa, Latin America and Asia. Hibist was awarded her doctorate in Sociology from University of Johannesburg, on Petty Commodity Production in Artisanal and Small-scale mining in Ghana and South Africa, which was funded by the National Research Foundation of South Africa. She also holds an MPhil in Political Science and BA in Political Science and Geography and Natural Resource Development from the University of Ghana, which was funded by the German academic fund, DAFI Tertiary Scholarship Programme. She has worked in feminist networks and policy research institutes in Africa and globally.

IFG project: I will return to Obuasi which has been a site of past research, to follow up on a community mining pilot project that the local government has initiated. I will also investigate salt extraction in Ada to understand the actors, technological and policy issues arising out of economic and social transformation, and chart the agency of women salt miners.

Selected publications

2023. Review of Against NGOs: A Critical Perspective on Civil Society, Management and Development Fragmentation, The Journal for Studies on Power, Written by N. Srinivas Available at https://brill.com/view/journals/powr/3/1/article-p101_006.xml

2022. Editorial, African Resource Sovereignty: Development or Environmental Vandalism? Special Issue. New Agenda: South African Journal of Social and Economic Policy, (83) pp 3-7. Available at https://ifaaza.org/new_agenda/new-agenda-issue-83/

Kassa, Hibist and Nyirongo, Rachael. 2022. “Environmental and Human Rights Accountability Gaps in Mining.” African Resource Sovereignty: Development or Environmental Vandalism? Special Issue. New Agenda: South African Journal of Social and Economic Policy, (83) pp 30- 38. Available at https://ifaaza.org/new_agenda/new-agenda-issue-83/

2022. Women in Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining in Africa: Possibilities for Social and Structural Transformation, Report for WoMin African Alliance, Johannesburg. Available at https://womin.africa/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/Women-in-Artisanal-and-Small-Scale-Mining-in-Africa-ENG.pdf

With calls for sustainable societies and ecosystems becoming ever more vocal, the global gold production system continues to prove its importance and endurance in times of multiple crises. This IFG studies sustainability ... Read more

University of Leicester


Interdisciplinary Fellow Group:
IFG 11