Emmanuel Ababio Ofosu-Mensah

Senior IFG Fellow

September - December 2024

Professor Emmanuel Ababio Ofosu-Mensah is the Head of Department of History at University of Ghana, Legon. He is an Economic and Social Historian with special interest in Mining in West Africa and issues in Migration in the West African Sub-region. He is an alumnus of the University of Ghana and has published extensively in various peer reviewed academic journals in Scopus. His articles and book reviews have appeared in some of the most prestigious journals in the field: Africa Today, Journal of Africa History, Journal of Asian and African Studies, International Journal of African Historical Studies, and the Journal of West African History. Based on extensive and previously unused primary documents and a variety of secondary sources, those articles are of the highest quality. Professor Ofosu-Mensah Ababio is also a Nova Science publisher and the title of his current books are The Slippery Paths of Commemoration and Heritage Tourism: The History of Gomoa Nsuaem and Its Slave Route (2024) and Economic, Social and Political Impact of Mining in Akyem Abuakwa from the pre-colonial era up to 1943 (2017). He has a masterful command of the historians craft, has maintained active scholarly record, reflected in publication in print, book reviews and conference papers.

His interest and specialization in Mining history has seen him presenting papers and chairing sessions of international conferences such as International conference on mining and mineralogy to be held in Munich Germany in July 2021; African Studies Association of the U.K biennial conference (AASAUK) held at the University of Birmingham in the United Kingdom in 2018; the symposium of Archaeology and History of Material culture in Africa and in the Africa Diaspora, held at the Federal University of Mina Gerias at Belo Horizonte in Brazil in November 2016; The XV Balkan minerals Congress (BMPC) held in June 2013 in Sozopol Bulgaria; and the 9th International Mining History Congress (9th IMHC) held in Johannesburg South Africa in April 2012.


The goal of the study is to investigate the nexus between illegal mining activities and human security in Konong Odumasi Traditional Area of Ghana.

The study seeks to answer the following questions:

  1. What are the impacts of illegal mining on the dimensions of human security in Ghana?
  2. What measures can be instituted to mitigate or eliminate the impacts of illegal mining on human security?
  3. What are the benefits of illegal mining?

Research Objectives:

  1. Examine the relationship between illegal mining and human security in Konongo Odumasi Traditional Area of Ghana
  2. Identify and explain causes of illegal mining and its implications on human security.
  3. To suggest ways of reducing the impact of illegal mining on human security

Selected publications

Book Ofosu-Mensah E.A (2024), The Slippery Paths of Commemoration and Heritage Tourism: The History of Gomoa Nsuaem and Its Slave Route. Nova Science Publishers.

ISBN: 979-8-89113-654-0

Ofosu-Mensah, E.A. (2017). The Economic, Social and Political Impact of Mining on Akyem Abuakwa from the Pre-Colonial Era up to 1943. Hauppage, New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc. ISBN: 9781536118117
Refereed Journals Martha Aliba and Ofosu-Mensah E.A (2024), A Historical Exploration Of Women’s Production Of Fante Kenkey At Yamoransa In Ghana’s Central Region. Cogent Arts and Humanities

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/23311983.2024.2335795

Ofosu-Mensah E.A (2023) Property rights and conflict in Gomoa Nsuaem, Ghana’s Central Region. Cogent Arts and Humanities, Volume 10, Issue 1.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/23311983.2023.2223412

Ofosu-Mensah E.A (2023) Traditional Gold Mining In Akyem Abuakwa In Ghana’s Eastern Region. Sustainable Extraction And Processing Of Raw Materials Journal, Vol. 4, August 10.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.58903/u17190832

Emmanuel Ababio Ofosu-Mensah,  Property rights and conflict in Gomoa Nsuaem, Ghana’s central region, Cogent Arts & Humanities, 10:1, DOI: 10.1080/23311983.2023.2223412, (2023)
Ofosu-Mensah E.A (2021). Transformation of Artisanal Small –Scale Mining (ASM) in Ghana: From Pre-Colonial to the Modern Era. The Journal of African Policy Studies, Volume 27,No.1, 2021
Ofosu-Mensah, E. A. (2019). The Politics of Property Rights: The Case of Akyem Abuakwa, Ghana (1912–1943). Journal of West African History5(1), 83-113. ISSN 2327-1868
Adum-Kyeremeh K., Ofosu-Mensah, E.A. & Agyemang, K. J. (2018). Colonial Boundaries and Chieftaincy Disputes in Gyaman. Transactions of the Historical Society of Ghana. New Series,18, 1-20.
Asamoah, K., & Ofosu-Mensah, E. A. (2018). Fruitlessness of Anti-Corruption Agencies: Lessons from the Commission on Human Rights and Administrative Justice in Ghana. Journal of Asian and African Studies53(7), 987-1001.

DOI: 10.1177/0021909618762575

Ashong T., Sapong N.Y.B., Smith V.E., Ofosu-Mensah Emmanuel Ababio (In Press). Albert Adu Boahen: An Agent of Change in African Historiography and Ghanaian Politics. International Journal of African Historical Studies.
Ofosu-Mensah, E. A. (2017). Historical and Modern Artisanal Small-Scale Mining in Akyem Abuakwa, Ghana. Africa Today, 64(2), 69-91.
Ofosu-Mensah, E. A. (2017). Political Corruption in Ghana: A Case Study of the Colonial Akyem Abuakwa Traditional State. Issues in Political Discourse Analysis, Nova Science Publishers, Inc. 5(1), 41-59. ISSN: 1941-7209
Ofosu-Mensah, E. A. (2017). Mining in Ghana and its connections with mining in the Brazilian diaspora. The Extractive Industries and Society, Elsevier. 4(3), 473-480.
Ofosu-Mensah, E. A. (2016). Mining in colonial Ghana: Extractive capitalism and its social benefits in Akyem Abuakwa under Nana Ofori Atta I. Africa Today63(1), 23-55.
Ofosu-Mensah, E. A. (2015). Mining and conflict in the Akyem Abuakwa Kingdom in the Eastern Region of Ghana, 1919–1938. The Extractive Industries and Society, Elsevier 2(3), 480-490.
Book Chapter Anarfi J.& Ofosu-Mensah, E. A. (2018). A Historical Perspective of Migration from and to Ghana. In Awumbila, Badasu &Teye (Eds), Migration in a Globalizing World: Perspectives from Ghana (pp. 51-71). Legon- Accra: Sub-Saharan Publishers. ISBN: 978-9988-647-11-7
Ofosu-Mensah, E. A. (2016). Obuasi- Sabara Connection. In Olhares Cruzados (Eds), Brazil Ghana Meeting of Eyes (81-100). Sao Paulo, Brazil: Reflexo Editora. (English and Portuguese).   ISBN: 978-85-88120-16-7

With calls for sustainable societies and ecosystems becoming ever more vocal, the global gold production system continues to prove its importance and endurance in times of multiple crises. This IFG studies sustainability ... Read more

University of Ghana


Interdisciplinary Fellow Group:
IFG 11