Abdourahamane Seck

Senior Individual Fellow

September - December 2023

Abdourahmane Seck is a Faculty Member of the Department of the Center of social science studies of religion at Gaston Berger University- Senegal. Abdourahmane Seck has a multidisciplinary background encompassing philosophy, anthropology and modern and contemporary African history. He has widely published on Islam, migration, and the question of the in-commons, in Africa (West Africa – Senegal). Alongside, Dr Seck has been active in building concrete links, through “Third places”, between academic spaces and community initiatives for resilience. In 2020, during the first outbreak of Covid-19, he co-founded the Groupe d’Action et d’Etude Critique -Afrique. A decolonial collective based in Saint-Louis, Senegal.

MIASA Project: On Memography as radical theory and knowledges practices from West Africa, in a time of high contradictional dynamics

Post-colonial African societies are marked by contradictory social, cultural and political dynamics, which are as much the results as the challenges of the forms of governance that have developed on the continent from the 1960s to the present day. Indeed, whether in the form of permanent or episodic conflicts of high or low intensity, the march of African societies, especially over the last 30 years, has remained singularly bumpy, weaving together “enthusiastic hopes” and “profound disappointments”. This conjuncture is all the more complex in that it is developing under the auspices of a post-Covid-19 world marked by war, environmental disasters and the resurgence of anti-black racism. So: “For the Africa to come: what governance of contradictory social, economic, cultural and political dynamics?”  To answer this question, my project outlines a theoretical and interventionist proposal that I call Mémographie. It is based on the example of Senegal, a country in French-speaking West Africa, whose traditional image as a “democratic showcase” has recently become much blurred, due to a crisis that foreshadows the end of the legacy of Africa’s independence years, and obliges us to anticipate all that may or may not come.

Selected publications

Seck, A. (2023). L’Afrique peut-elle peser dans le débat international sur la migration ? Pistes autour de la teraanga ou de l’hospitalité. African Sociological Review, 26(2). https://doi.org/10.57054/asr.v26i2.3995

Seck, A. (2023). Healing the in-common. In To write the Africa World. Achille Mbembe (Editor), Felwine Sarr (Editor). Drew Burk (Translated by). Series Critical South. Polity; 1st edition (February 13, 2023), First published in French (2017).

Seck A., (with) Barbosa Becerra J., Pérez M., Tapia Tapia S. y Figueroa Huencho V. (2022). Mesa redonda Participación política, movimientos sociales y desafíos de la política contemporánea. Las Torres de Lucca. International Journal of Political Philosophy, 11(1), 129-152.https://doi.org/10.5209/ltdl.79901

Personal website

Université Gaston Berger de Saint Louis
