Interdisciplinary Fellow Group on Sustainable regional peace building

African regional organizations like the African Union (AU), ECOWAS and IGAD are increasingly important actors in resolving conflicts and building peace in Africa. In so doing, these organizations follow the aim of not only addressing the most immediate challenges to peace and security on the continent, but to also do so in a sustainable way, preventing future conflicts and creating the conditions for long-term peaceful societal coexistence. However, despite sustainability being a key term in the policy frameworks of many African regional organizations, both the practice as well as the study of their actual engagements in conflict situations has predominantly focused on immediate and short-term effects. The proposed Interdisciplinary Fellow Group addresses this lacuna with a forward-looking and practice-oriented agenda, focusing on two related questions: What does sustainable peacebuilding mean for different local and regional actors? And what are enabling and constraining factors for (more) sustainable peacebuilding by African regional organizations?

Antonia Witt

Senior Fellow and Co-convenor

August - December 2023

Chido Mutangadura

Senior Fellow

August - December 2023

Christof Hartmann

Senior Fellow

August - December 2023

Tony Karbo

Senior Fellow

August - December 2023

Linda Akua Darkwa

Senior Fellow and Co-convenor IFG 9

September - December 2023