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Policy Conference: Accelerating Africa’s economic transformation towards shared prosperity and sustainability

Venue: ISSER Conference Centre, University of Ghana, 2023 Africa’s economic development is at the cross-roads. The 20 pre-pandemic years have been – for some parts of Africa – the most transformative since independence. Yet, there is a long way to go. First, the transformation needs to regain its momentum to lead to sustained increases in ... Read more

Conference: Sustainable Regional Peacebuilding in Africa: Practices and Disconnects

Convenors: Interdisciplinary Fellow Group on Sustainable Regional Peacebuilding (IFG 9) Programme African regional organizations like the African Union (AU), ECOWAS and IGAD are increasingly important actors in resolving conflicts and building peace on the continent. In so doing, these organizations follow the aim of not only addressing the most immediate challenges to peace and security on ... Read more

Conference: The Role of Traditional Institutions in Promoting Sustainable Peace in Africa

Abstract Africa has the reputation of being the continent most prone to conflict, whether intra-commu-nity, inter-community or inter-state. These African conflicts differ according to their intensity, duration and territorial extension, as well as their nature. We observe both inter- and intra-state conflicts, armed and unarmed conflicts, conflicts linked to natural resources and ethnic conflicts. In ... Read more

Public Lecture: Negotiating LPG in urban transportation: Taxi drivers stepping on the gas in Accra and Bobo-Dioulasso; Speakers: Hold Kanazoé & Édith Nabos

Abstract: The use of LPG by collective transport actors is becoming increasingly widespread in many African cities. Moving beyond strict geographical and economic approaches to transport and mobility, our talk, based on ethnographic research in Accra and Bobo-Dioulasso, explores the way in which taxi drivers navigate their paths by transforming their cars, which goes well ... Read more

Anton Wilhelm Amo Lecture 2023: Building African Ecologies of Knowledge; Invited Speaker: Professor Felwine Sarr (Duke University Durham)

The Anton Wilhelm Amo Lecture is organized annually by the Merian Institute for Advanced Studies in Africa (MIASA) in collaboration with the Institute of African Studies and the Department of Philosophy and Classics at the University of Ghana. It is named after the 18th century philosopher from present-day Ghana who taught at the universities of Halle and Jena. ... Read more

Public Roundtable: Addressing asymmetries in academic knowledge production on Africa: Potentials and Pitfalls

Abstract Although African scholars have challenged asymmetries in academic knowledge production on Africa for centuries, epistemic injustices resulting from colonial structures of power persist. One of the visible consequences is the underrepresentation of Global South scholars in leading journals. While this issue has long been known, measures taken by journals to address it have been ... Read more

MIASA Publishing Workshop 2023

The MIASA Publishing Workshop for African scholars, jointly organised by Africa Spectrum (published by the GIGA Institute for African Affairs) and the Contemporary Journal of African Studies (published by the Institute of African Studies at the University of Ghana), will take place on 14 and 15 December 2023 at the University of Ghana in Legon-Accra. ... Read more

Public Lecture: The Nomadic Mbororo-Fulani Conundrum in Cameroon’s North West Region: From Fry Pan to Fire; Speaker: Nicodemus Fru Awasom

MIASA Conference Room, 13th February 2024 Abstract: This paper examines the intractable perennial problem of the nomadic Mbororo-Fulani in Cameroon’s Northwest region. The problem that has not been sufficiently historicized and comprehensively studied by scholars to shed light on its changing scenarios, and to connect it to its African parallels in order to better articulate ... Read more

Public Lecture: Critical Heritage. Reflections on the Brandenburg Forts on Ghana’s Coast; Speaker: Sarah Dornhof

MIASA Conference Room, 5th March 2024 Abstract This presentation considers European forts and trading posts on Ghana’s coast from a critical heritage perspective and in the context of artistic approaches. The focus is on the Brandenburg sites in the Western Region, Fort Gross Friedrichsburg and the ruins of the Dorothea trading post (Dorothenschanze), two sites ... Read more

Public Lecture: Mapping Ghana: European Geologists as Agents of Change and New Sociality in the Cold War; Speaker: Justyna Turkowska

MIASA Conference Room, 2nd April, 2024 Abstract From the late 1950s onwards, European geologists were widely dispatched to the "Global South" to survey the newly independent countries and forge new political-economic alliances. While deployed in West Africa, they became agents of a new spatial reorganisation of the respective countries and their symbolic and imagined place ... Read more

Public Lecture: On the motivation and motives of people of African descent to follow the return campaign of the Ghanaian government; Speaker: Isabelle Ihring

MIASA Conference Room, 9th April, 2024 Abstract: In 2019, the Ghanaian government proclaimed the Year of Return, targeting people of African descent in the diaspora. According to the homepage “2019 was declared “the year of return” and the start of a campaign to encourage descendants of enslaved Africans to re-connect with the land of their ... Read more