Akosua Keseboa Darkwah

Senior Fellow and co-convenor IFG 8

February - May 2023

Akosua K. Darkwah is an Associate Professor of Sociology at the University of Ghana and has expertise in qualitative research methods including innovative approaches such as the river of life approach. She is currently one of the editors of the African Studies Review as well as Feminist Africa. She is a member of the International Sociological Association, Sociologists for Women in Society, the African Studies Association (USA), the Ghana Studies Association, and the Ghana Sociological and Anthropological Association. Her research interests centre primarily on Ghanaian women’s work and she investigates both the ways in which global economic policies and practices reconfigure such work in Ghana as well as the ways in which Ghanaian women’s work reverberates on the global stage. For her project as a member of IFG 8, she returns to an earlier research project on Ghanaian market women. She seeks to investigate the contemporary ways in which high politics meets low politics in Ghana’s market. She will explore this question by focusing on the ways in which politicians and officials of the Ghanaian state influence the selection of market queens in Accra.

Selected publications

Darkwah, A. K. (2021). Digital activism Ghanaian feminist style. In J. Beoku-Betts, & A. Adomako Ampofo (Eds.), Producing Inclusive Feminist Knowledge (pp.147-165). Emerald Publishers.

Darkwah, A. K. (2021). African women and globalisation. In O. Yacob-Haliso, & T. Falola (Eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of African Women’s Studies (pp. 1805-1820). Palgrave Macmillan.

Darkwah, A. K. (2022). Reflections on the pandemic from a Southern feminist scholar. In M. Heath, A. Darkwah, J. Beoku-Betts, & B. Purkayastha (Eds.), Global feminist autoethnographies during COVID- 19: Displacements and Disruptions (pp. 301-310). Routledge.

Darkwah, A. K & Tsikata, D. (2022). The Changing Conceptions of Work and the Language of Work in Ghana – Towards a Research Agenda. In D. Hill & F. K. Ameka (Eds.), Language, Linguistics and Development Practices (pp. 87-109). Palgrave Macmillan

In Africa, significant regional disparities in women’s presence in political office exist, with West Africa lagging behind East and Southern Africa. This is despite women’s substantial participation in politics in ... Read more
Personal website

University of Ghana


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