Peter Narh

Junior Fellow and co-convenor IFG 3

February - May 2020

Peter Narh is a sustainability social scientist, and a Research Fellow at the Institute of African Studies, University of Ghana, Legon. He holds a PhD in Development Studies, from the University of Bayreuth in Germany. His research and teaching interests lie in conservation infrastructure and governance, citizen social science, and sustainability in agriculture in Africa. Currently, he is conducting research on these themes with food and cash crop farmers, and cattle herders in various regions in Kenya and Ghana. His research and teaching draw on integration of social, cultural, and natural science perspectives as well as mixed and multiple qualitative and quantitative methodologies. He uses Atlas.ti and SPSS for data analysis. He will like to learn modelling from colleague Fellows who has the expertise.

The increasing competition for African resources affects the lives of rural populations and may result in social conflict. The commercialization of agriculture on the continent threatens livelihoods of smallholder farmers ... Read more
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University of Ghana


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